Scholarships and Exchange programmes

Erasmus, supports students, academic and non-teaching staff through capacity building and networking of higher education institutions, with more than 10 million participants to date. 

The Erasmus program celebrates its 34th anniversary in 2021. For the next programming cycle 2021-2027, the European Union has doubled its budget, which now stands at 26.2 billion euros.

Studying abroad within the Erasmus+ programme helps to improve communication skills and knowledge of languages and other cultures and traditions, as well as the development of new skills valued by future employers.

Students of the first, second and third cycle can apply for student exchange programs, and it is possible to apply for an internship or volunteer internship during their studies abroad.

The National ERASMUS+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina provides support to local authorities, educational institutions and all those interested in the promotion and implementation of this unique programme.

EU Member State Embassies in BiH also provide access to exchange programs within the programmes of universities and higher education institutions in these individual Member States.

Sveučilište u Granadi, Španjolska

Sveučilište u Valenciji, Španjolska

Sivas Džumhurijet Univerzitet u Turskoj

Sveučilište Santiago de Compostela, Španjolska

Sveučilište Paderborn, Njemačka

Univerzitet u Lleidi, Španjolska

Sveučilište Palacky u Olomoucu, Češka

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Karl Francens Univerzitet u Gracu