Climate Diplomacy Week

During European Climate Diplomacy Week, EU Delegations around the world, together with individuals, communities and partner organisations, highlight the need for global action and cooperation in the f...

During European Climate Diplomacy Week, EU Delegations around the world, together with individuals, communities and partner organisations, highlight the need for global action and cooperation in the fight against climate change.

We all share one planet, and the changes we make to our environment can affect the whole world. Many of us have seen, and some of us already impacted by, the effects of climate change. And it is not just about extreme weather events like storms, floods, and droughts. The climate changes we see today could become more significant in the near future, and completely change our lives.

Join us in this collective challenge – because CLIMATE CHANGE KNOWS NO BORDERS. European Week of Climate Diplomacy 24-30. September 2018.