The EU Info Centre in Sarajevo (EUIC), with its network of EU Info Points across Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a long term project of the European Union that provides relevant information on programmes, institutions and the policies of the European Union, as well as relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union. Our activities include organisation of various cultural, sporting, informative and other types of events across BiH, with the aim of promoting European values in BiH.
- November 2024 with Europe House
- Jačanje energetske efikasnosti bh. privrede: Uloga podrške EU i tehnoloških inovacija
- Energetski efikasnije i modernije zdravstvene institucije uz podršku Evropske unije
- Utopljavanje vrtića za bolje i sigurnije uvjete najmlađima u Kantonu Sarajevo
- Inovacije predvode rast bh privrede