“Europe Day on Your Square” will be marked in Prnjavor

EUIC Competition is Completed 9 April 2018 – the EU Info Center organized the Competition “Europe Day on Your Square” and received applications and scenarios from 10 BiH cities : Br...

EUIC Competition is Completed

9 April 2018 – the EU Info Center organized the Competition “Europe Day on Your Square” and received applications and scenarios from 10 BiH cities : Brčko, Sarajevo, Široki Brijeg, Kalesija, Bihać, Bugojno, Donji Vakuf, Orašje, Prnjavor and Tuzla.

The three-member jury, including the EUD representative, reviewed the proposals and decided on the winner: young authors Snežana Zorić and Željka Vračević from Prnjavor.

Prnjavor Municipality is extremely rich in cultural heritage, and also known by the symbolic name “Little Europe” due to large number of national minorities living in this territory for more than a hundred years. Tolerance, respect and celebration of national diversity are the values which made citizens of Prnjavor well known outside of their municipality. Thanks to all the participants of this competition on great ideas and invested effort.

The authors of the scenarios created the presentation of the cultural heritage of Prnjavor and the region in a way to include all the most sensitive categories of the population. The scenario largely supports the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

Congratulations to Snežana and Željka, and we thank again to all the participants who contributed to the quality of the competition with their extraordinary works!