Public call for flood recovery assistance aimed at rehabilitation of flood affected housing units in the Brcko District

The European Union Floods Recovery Programme is planning to provide intervention assistance for rehabilitation of housing units in flood affected areas. The assistance will include rehabilitation of h...

The European Union Floods Recovery Programme is planning to provide intervention assistance for rehabilitation of housing units in flood affected areas. The assistance will include rehabilitation of housing units in the Brčko District.

Applications may be submitted by natural persons, that is, heads of household on behalf of families.

An Application Form may be obtained at the Brcko District government building. It must contain the following data: the applicant’s full name (first name, father’s name, last name), complete address of the applicant’s place of residence (village or local community, street, number), UID, CIPS ID number and issuing authority, number of household members, number of the housing unit floors, number of the employed household members, and a contact telephone number.

The requested data should be legible and written in capital letters. The application form should be filled in and signed by the head of household.

Applications should be submitted within 14 days from the day the Public Call was announced, that is, from 26 May 2014.

Full information available here  (only BHS)